
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Maybe I Don't Have Something to Say
I said to my son recently, that if you really want something, you'll do it every day. You'll go after it no matter the cost. You can't live without it. Well, I finally realized that writing is not really what I want.
It's not to say that I won't keep blogging, but it does mean that I'm not going to stress out about getting blogs posted. Nor am I going to stress about writing that novel I always "thought I wanted to write."
No, what I really love is reading. I want to read and read and read. I went without reading, really reading, for a long time due to my previous relationship. Now that I've gotten back into my reading, I won't give it up again.
So, if I don't post regularly, it's ok. I'm reading. And part of my reading is reading your blog, too.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Monday, August 4, 2014
I have something to say . . .
I have a bunch of blog posts started, but they aren't grabbing me today. I could bitch about my day, but I'm tired and don't feel like bitching.
So, I'll leave you with this. . . my cat, Malibu, loving on my dog, Lavender. Love my furbabies.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Vacation Coverage
But, when someone else goes on vacation, I handle his (and I can say his, because all the other reps are male) entire desk, new items, pending items, and I usually clean up old stuff so he can have a fresh start upon return. I'm nice like that. So, one of the other reps is going on vacation tomorrow. He sent me an email "bribing" me to handle some things in his absence, if they came up. He wasn't anticipating anything, but the other reps are "too busy to take on anything else." I was gonna turn down the bribe, but it was a $25 Starbucks card.
So, what's wrong with this? First of all, his statement that the others are "too busy." What? I do twice as much as any of them . . . I'm more organized and more tech savvy to do so. Secondly, an hour before he leaves today, he dumps 5 items on me that are "emergencies" even though 4 of the 5 came in a month ago. SMDH! I'm really glad I took the card and if things continue this way, he'll owe me another one when he gets back.
Oh well . . . job security . . . I've got it in spades.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
You Must Install Facebook Messenger App
Whatever, I refuse to be dictated to as to what app I have to use on my phone.
Ok--rant over.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Booty Call Cycle?
Monday, July 28, 2014
What to Write? What to Write?
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Vacation Fun
What I've found absolutely fantastic is that the Boy is having fun and maturing right before my eyes. He has contributed to conversations with the other adults; he's been respectful of his elders; he's asked questions about family life and history and really gotten into the answers. He had a blast at the reception the other night (there may have been a bit of alcohol consumed, but so what).
There have been some minor blips on the radar . . . my rude uncle (I ignored him), my momma kinda irritated me. Side note to that . . . the Boy said that I act like him toward my momma the way he acts toward me when he's annoyed at me. That's making me take a hard look at how I can react better with my momma, because it isn't nice.
Spending time with my stepmom was productive. We took care of some paperwork for my dad's grave (12 years later, but who's counting), and she gave me and the Boy some items of beauty from her home to ours. She's a very giving person.
I reconnected with a cousin . . . my only first cousin on my dad's side . . . and we had a blast. We even look alike in our old age. When I posted our picture, everyone thought we were sisters. Amazing!
Anyway, I'm enjoying my vacation.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Family Fun
They all know about the incident with the stupid uncle last week and they all agree that he is an ass. We are all getting together tomorrow too and we will have a blast at the wedding, as well.
I also learned that the cousin's fiancée is pregnant, so we have another cousin coming in December! YAY!
Anyway--love seeing my family . . . at least the fun, cool ones. LOL!
Until next time, much peace and love.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Distracted Drving
I broke my own damn rule on this road trip. I was sitting in a very long line of traffic and not moving, so I started making my motel reservation. No big deal since I wasn't moving. The problem came when the line began to move a little bit. In the blink of an eye, I ran into not one but two big orange barrel thingies. Luckily, I wasn't going fast and just scraped by. But . . . it served a very important lesson to both me and the Boy.
My front fender is somewhat scraped up, but will probably buff out fairly easily. It pisses me off though that I have to even buff it though. I didn't have to make that reservation right then and there. It could have waited or the Boy could have finished putting in the information for me . . . as he did anyway.
I have to think that this was a big warning to me to pay attention and drive right, setting a good example for the kid. I've been doing so for awhile, but I slipped up and did the texting while driving thing. It was super scary and I won't do it again. The Boy says, "Did we learn our lesson?" Hell yeah we did. So hopefully, you will learn from my lesson so you don't have to experience it yourself.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Cialis Commercials Make Me Sad
Essential Oils Part 2
Ok, so I've tried some of the essential oils and I have to say, I'm loving them. I'm still skeptical about all the hubbub surrounding them, but for the ones I've tried personally, all is good.
The ones I've tried that are doing what they need to do are . . .
lavender--calming and soothing--I sleep much better
peppermint--refreshing and rejuvenating--so far, yes and I'm going to try this on the long drives on vacation
lemon--again refreshing and rejuvenating, also great for cleaning and getting rid of icky smells
eucalyptus--with the lavender is great in my bath
cinnamon--great in my coffee and other foods, lowers blood sugar
You know I pre-wrote most of this, so I have to add my experience today. I'm traveling. ..long road trip. Usually, I have problems in the afternoon because I start dozing off. Today, i kept drinking my peppermint water and put some peppermint on my shirt. It kept me awake and alert without the hyperness of sugar and caffeine. Then when we got to our motel, I sprinkled some lemon around to freshen up the place. I'm hooked.
There are more that I want to try and we'll see how they go. I can't wait.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Nurse Rachett
My company is giving us an opportunity to save $50 per month on our health insurance. Since our out of paycheck costs went up $125, I'm all for it. All you have to do is (1) log your daily steps on our wellness program site, (2) do a biometric screening with an RN (who they brought in house), and (3) do a health assessment on the insurance website. All easy peasy . . . until . . . Nurse Rachett.
So, I go to do my bio screening and this witch of a nurse, has no personality, doesn't smile, doesn't acknowledge anything, just all business. Ok, I can handle that. Then when the results pop up, she starts lecturing me on what I'm doing wrong and what I should be doing. Nevermind that she doesn't have my full health assessment, isn't a physician, and doesn't know what I actually do or don't do, where I've been and how far I've come. She just says do this and suck it, basically.
She pissed me off. And then I realized . . . don't let anyone piss on my parade. I know how far I've come and how far I have to go. I am going to continue on my own path.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Monday, June 16, 2014
"Christian" Giving
Friday, June 13, 2014
Father's Day Rant
This brings me to my rant . . . I was going to say something on Mother's Day, but I let it go. People . . . Mother's Day is for MOTHERS and Father's Day is for FATHERS. Don't nobody care if you're doing "double duty" . . . you ONLY GET ONE DAY! Don't rain on the parade of the other. (And this is coming from a single mom who does double duty because "dad" is too damn childish and selfish to do his job.)
On Mother's Day, I kept seeing these posts of "happy mother's day to all you moms out there and you dads doing double duty." Now for Father's Day, I'm seeing (1) "happy father's day to all you dads out there and you moms doing double duty" and (2) "why don't dads get the same props as moms?"
To answer number one . . . all dads who do their job or even attempt to do their job deserve the Father's Day props, same for moms on Mother's Day. I add attempt because there are a lot of situations where the other party "blocks" the mom or dad from doing their job.
To answer number two . . .you dumbasses who are asking this are the ones not doing your damn job and you don't get the cookie for not doing your damn job! Saying Happy Mother's Day or Happy Father's Day is a way of acknowledging those WHO DO THEIR DAMN JOB every day, day in and day out, who don't expect anything in return. They just love and take care of their kids. That's the bottom line.
So for you dads, who do your job . . . Happy Father's Day . . . enjoy YOUR day!
Until next time, much peace and love.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Writing Prompts
The interesting part is that, while I have no problem putting my personal business out here, exposing the creative writing side is really scary. I know that I'm a good writer--I've been told for years I should try to publish, but I'm not consistent. I hate to re-write and edit . . . I write my stuff in my head and then spew it out on paper or in this case, blog. By the time it comes out, it's been re-written and edited several times . . . in my head.
I may still do the writing prompts . . . still thinking about it. Maybe that should be a separate blog? That's an idea right there. One of my favorite bloggers does separate blogs for separate topics. So maybe I continue this blog for what it is . . . day-to-day life and fun and rants and create a separate blog for writing and creating. Something to think about.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Appliance Fail
Monday, June 9, 2014
Summer is Officially Here
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Over Organized?
My weekend plans are to clean out and reorganize my closet, set up new, emergency "go" bags for both cars, the house, and work, and start the packing process for my vacation. Yes, my vacation is still almost three weeks away, but I'll re-pack 10 times before I'm happy.
Since everything else is pissing me off these days . . . can you say mood swings? . . . I'm going to my happy place of organization.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Over Eating
The next day, I felt like shit. Again, the hungover feeling and major heartburn. Lesson learned.
Several days later, feeling much better, but no urge for crappy food. Maybe this last binge was good in a way?
Until next time, much peace and love.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
School's Out . . . Almost
Monday, June 2, 2014
June Goal Review
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Maya Angelou
I woke up this morning to find that one of my idols, a great woman, a wonderful person, and major contributor to society, civil rights activist. . . The list goes on . . . Maya Angelou is dead at 86.
I don't usually get caught up in celebrity drama. . . When various actors have died, I may feel sorry for the or family, but I'm not crying over them. Maya on the other hand, I read through my Facebook feed with tears rolling down my face. I started googling all the news stories. Yes, she was old, but what a loss.
She was a major influence on my "growing up" and becoming the woman I am today. So I say to you, Ms. Angelou, you will be missed, but your legacy will live on. You are the ultimate Phenomenal Woman.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
Happy Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Happy or Right?
Here's the deal. I'm not happy that my marriage failed, but . . . I was even more unhappy being married. It happens. There were multiple issues, wrongs on the part of both parties, and just not enough "give a shit" to keep going on. So, the blog talks about being happy or being right.
This is so damn true. Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right? That's the one I had to get through my thick skull . . . I wanted both. Now that it's all said and done, I'm happy to be happy. There were a bunch of bumps and bruises along the way, but I've made it to the other side. Congratulations to me. To read the blog, click here.
It's really well-written and opened my eyes to another ah ha moment. It's not just the divorce, happy or right, but it's all the stuff I wrote about recently, constantly fighting for every little thing. It wasn't fighting for anything real, but fighting to be right. Now, I'm not saying don't fight for things if you need to and some things are definitely worth it . . . even for the principle of the matter . . . but check your priorities and see if it's just to be right or not.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Spa Day
Love my spa day. I started writing this one last month after going back to the spa after four months off, but I never finished. Now, I've gone again, and on my birthday last month and again this month. This may sound indulgent, but I do have a spa membership. I pay a monthly fee and it covers an 80 minute massage each month, plus the use of the facilities, e.g., steam room, sauna, jacuzzi, quiet room, plus snacks, when I go. It is my major pampering of myself.
Now--I took a few months off because of money woes--I was able to put my membership on hold for 3 months. It worked out well, because my massage therapist was out for awhile, taking care of family business. I started back in March and it was so wonderful, and then I saw her again on my birthday in April. Extra nice treatment on your birthday. The only downside was she told me it was her last day. . . she only stayed through that day because she knew it was my birthday. I thought that was sweet.
So, it was with trepidation that I went yesterday to a new massage therapist. I was worried, because I had gotten used to the old one. My worries were for nothing. The new one has a different technique, but was equally as good as the old. I felt great afterwards.
My spa day goes something like this . . . steam room for about 20 minutes with a cold towel on my neck, dry sauna for about 10 minutes, misting room (cold mist) for about 2 minutes, jacuzzi for about 10-30 minutes, shower off, robe up and read until time for massage, 80 minute massage, 30-60 minute nap in the quiet room, get dressed and go home. In between all of this, drinking cucumber or fruit infused water or lemonade, eating fresh fruit, and relaxing.
I love the big, fluffy, white towels (and maybe more than a few have gone home with me) and the spa robe is so comfortable (and maybe one has gone home with me). I love the smell and the soft music and the atmosphere of calm. This is one of the best investments in me that I have ever made.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Days Gone By
One of my favorite songs is "Days Gone By" sung by the gorgeous Keith Urban. It just makes me smile and feel great. It's talking about losing ourselves in the daily race and to start living for the now. I'm taking this to heart and starting to do a little more with friends here and there, instead of just working and staying at home alone. Not looking to date anyone . . . although that would be nice if it just starts to happen from one of my outings . . . but we all need to connect with other humans, other than social media.
I'm probably not supposed to do this, but I'm putting the lyrics here.
"Days Go By"
I'm talking on the phone
I'm drivin' way to fast
And the interstate's jammed with
Gunners like me afraid of coming in last
But somewhere in the race we run
We're coming undone
Days go by
I can feel 'em flying
Like a hand out the window in the wind as the cars go by
It's all we've been given
So you better start livin' right now
'Cause days go by
Out on the roof just the other night
I watched the world flash by
Headlights, taillights running through a river of neon signs
But somewhere in the rush I felt
We're losing ourselves
Days go by
I can feel 'em flying
Like a hand out the window in the wind as the cars go by
It's all we've been given
So you better start livin' right now
'Cause days go by
We think about tomorrow then it slips away
We talk about forever but we've only got today
And the days go by
I can feel 'em flying
Like a hand out the window
As the cars go by
It's all we've been given
So you better start livin'
You better start livin'
Better start livin' right now
Cause days go by
I can feel like 'em flying
Like a hand out the window in the wind as the cars go by
It's all we've been given
So you better start livin' right now
Cause days go by
These days go by
So take 'em by the hand
They're yours and mine
Take 'em by the hand
And live your life
Take 'em by the hand
Don't let 'em all fly by
Come on, Come on now
Don't you know the days go by
Until next time, much peace and love.
Painting . . . Teenage Style
Essential Oils
Having said all this, I had a great time at my friend's house and did order a couple of items. These are ones that I know I can't go wrong . . . lavender, peppermint, and lemongrass. The individual items are quite expensive--I'm told because they are pure and not cut with alcohol or other stuff as you might find in the store. Of course, I talked to another friend who has been doing oils for years and she orders pure stuff for a lot cheaper. LOL! We'll see how this all works out.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Changes Are A’Coming
Vacation Coming Up
Fighting for Everything
Back At It
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Ok, so I've been slacking lately on all my goals. What can I say? April is my birthday month and I got side tracked. So, I'm going ot spend May re committing to my goals. I'll be posting and commenting on them tomorrow.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Shameless Promotion
So, go to her website to get the details here.
Until next time, much love and peace.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
And Now I Know Why Your Kid is Fucked Up
1. I told the Boy to ignore and not respond to anything. This was to give the other boys a chance to chill the fuck out.
2. If #1 didn't work out, I would speak with the parents and show them the texts.
3. If #1 and #2 didn't work out, I would go to the police. Yes--I skipped the school because I don't think it is the school responsibility OUTSIDE of the school. (If it was happening at school, then yes.)
So, #1 started working pretty well, but then there was a short flair up. So, the Boy mentioned that I was going to go to the school (he was mistaken, but ok). It worked to make Bully #1 back pedal and realize that he was being a jerk. The Bully #2 still just ignored the Boy.
Now today, there was a flare up from Bully #2 . . . he didn't like a look the Boy gave him or something and said something in the locker room. The Boy told Bully #1 that he wished Bully #2 would just go ahead and start something so he could kick his ass. So, Bully #2 kicked my son in math class . . . twice and ran away. My son called me to tell me. I told him to leave Bully #2 alone and don't get into any fights at school.
I then called Bully #2's mom and left her a message that the boys all needed to stop, that I had already told my son to knock it off, but that she needed to tell her son to keep his hands and feet and everything else to himself, that we needed to work together on this.
She then called me back and left me a voicemail that she talked to her son and he said it was my son's fault . . . yadda yadda yadda . . . but that she told him not to start anything and she agreed with me.
I then called her back to explain where I was coming from and she fucking went off on me! She started saying that my kid is always starting shit and that he is a drug addict and smokes and drinks and that I'm a horrible parent, etc, etc. etc. I have to admit, I lost my cool with this bi-polar bitch. I snapped and told her off, told her to check herself before she tried giving me any parenting advice, told her to check her own kid when it comes to drinking and smoking, because, oh yeah . . . he did and does it too. I told her to fuck off and her whole family can go to hell. And then I hung up. Not my finest moment, I have to admit, but it did feel good to yell at her finally after all these years.
She then sent me a text . . . saying that she and everyone is tired of feeding my kid . . . like I don't feed hers too. She said a bunch of other shit too, but her grammar and spelling are so bad, it doesn't really make sense. I feel like I should send it back properly spelled, etc. The Boy sent her a text saying he isn't the only one and that her kid did and does shit too and he gave her dates, etc. She went back and forth with him for awhile (I didn't know it) and I told him to stop responding to her. She's supposed to be the adult and she's arguing with a 15 year old. Really?
Shortly after I hung up on her, Bully #1 called the Boy to apologize for his behavior previously and also he apologized to me apparently. The Bi-Polar Bitch called him . . . yes, that's right, she called the other 15 year old. Then she called his parents who didn't give a shit. I did talk to him to tell him that I had no intention of going to the school, and never had, but that if he did that crappy texting again, I would go to his parents direct, because THAT'S THE WAY IT'S DONE.
Anyway, a lot of this is rambling, but bottom line is, I know why the kid is fucked up . . . his mom is a fucking bi-polar bitch. Wow!
Ok--got that off my chest.
Until next time, much peace and love . . . really.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Deadbeat Dad
For the Boy's 15th birthday, he didn't call until late in the evening and then made vague plans about picking in up to go to his place on the next weekend. And his birthday present? A pack of cigarettes!
He picked him up yesterday and took him to lunch . . . saw him a total of about an hour and 45 minutes. Amazing!
I just don't get how someone can be so selfish to not pay attention to his only child (well, only child that he has any access to, but that's another story). He always complained that his parents played favorites with his sister and they did to an extent, but several years ago, that turned around and he got a lot closer to his parents. Today, they are even supposedly in his corner about what a horrible, bitchy, slut that I am. LOL! So why not, take the reins early and spend more time with your kid?
Keep in mind that the Boy has often pushed him away, but that's what kids do. As a parent, you put your foot down and make things happen. He'll be graduating high school sooner than later and go off to college. Once he's on his own, you can be damn sure that he won't be reaching out to his sperm donor.
The Boy loves his sperm donor, but won't go out of the way for him, like he will me. We even had this serious talk tonight about if there is an emergency, e.g., fire, earthquake, break in, etc. He literally said, "I'm not letting you go down without me. We're in this together." I thought that was pretty cool. He would let his dad perish though and wouldn't go down with him.
Ah well . .. I reap the benefits of a loving child. . . and I get the bullshit as well, but it's totally worth it. His sperm donor just doesn't know what he's missing.
Until next time, much peace and love . . . really.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
What the Hell is Wrong with Teenagers These Days?!
Now, you know I love my teens (my own and his friends), but due to recent developments, those friends are no longer his friends. Why? Because they are fucking mean! There was a minor blip on the radar--I wrote about it the other day. But, I really thought things would blow over. They always do. But no . . . these two little mother fuckers are still going at my kid like crazy. One is still totally ignoring him and had the nerve to say he just needs a ride (to school) and the other is acting like he is the boss or parent of my kid.
So finally, my kid talked to another friend's parent to get her take on it and she agrees, it's time to talk to the parents. I made my kid show me the text messages so that I know that he's telling me the truth and that he isn't participating in nasty messages with them. I have to say, I'm impressed . . . he's managed to keep his cool and not be mean back. That's pissing them off even more.
You see, I think the whole thing stems from these two boys wanting to have more attention from other people or even from my kid, but he's not going to be tied down and boxed in by any one group. (Kinda like his momma.) Since they can't get a rise out of him, they're being by ignoring and the other by sending the texts.
So, now I must plan my conversation with the parents of these two boys. I told my son it wouldn't be until at least the weekend, because I need to figure out the plan of attack without actually attacking these crazy ass mother fuckers. I've also told him to stop responding at all to the texts . . . change the behavior by extinguishing it. He said already that it's hard not to respond, but he's going to stick to it.
I told the Boy as well that he needs to be sure that he wants me to step in, because I'll burn all bridges with these stupid asses. The mother of the one sending the texts got mad early in the school year at my kid saying he was disrespectful to her and was going to stop taking him home. I talked to him and it's been ok as far as I know, but this is going to be it and he won't have a ride home from school. He's prepared to walk at this point. The one that is ignoring him just started riding to school with us about a month ago . . . and now he says he's only in it for a ride? Ok spoiled little shit . . . we'll see how long that lasts.
So, I will think about all this and pray for good ideas to handle it like an adult when all I really want to do is blow their shit up. I will be a professional, but I'm not going to allow this shit to go on.
So . . . any insight would be helpful.
Until next time, much peace and love . . . really.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Some things are just scenery along the highway . . .
I've been struggling with some things and if I just remember that line and actually live it, the struggle should end. The struggles or actually it's only one challenge is that I need to forgive myself. I've written about the horrible things my ex has said and done. I doubt I have forgiveness for him and I sure as hell can't forget about them, but, I need to forgive myself and move along. I need to forgive myself for:
- a failed marriage--it takes two and I did all I could
- an extra curricular experience while I was still married--at the end, but still
- allowing myself to be "lost" for so long, putting his needs before my own
- allowing myself to be put down, ignored, treated poorly, even somewhat abused--not physically, but mentally
- allowing myself to participate in horrible, mean conversation
- allowing myself to be taken advantage of
- fooling myself into thinking that he would do the right thing with my money
So for all of this, I say now that I forgive myself. I am a strong, intelligent, beautiful, confident woman. I will no longer allow myself to be angry with myself or to feel guilty. I will hold my head high, move forward with my life and remember that some things are just scenery along the highway.
I may have future blips on the radar and I hope I remember this phrase.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Off the Cuff
So, I stayed home Friday because of tingly mommy spidey senses and it seemed to pay off. There has been a bunch of fucked up teen drama this past weekend, and it came to a head today when the Boy sent me a text at 10:00 am to pick him up because he just couldn't stand being at school today.
He's had a falling out with several of his friends, his so-called best friend was a total dick Saturday night and is now ignoring him (spoiled little fucking shit), his next best friend jumped on the bandwagon and was bitchy with him (apparently they've made up now because #2 feels sorry for him right now), his crush with whom he spent some time with over Spring Break has been ignoring him, and yesterday he found out the crush also made out with one of his female friends . . . seriously, douchebag? . . .and then two of his other friends did some stuff that I won't put in writing, because I don't want to incriminate anyone, especially the Boy.
He pretty much handled it all but this morning just couldn't take one more thing going amiss. So, I left work early, picked him up, ran a Target errand, picked up a late lunch, had some good conversation and poof voila . . . "fixed" it. Well, maybe it isn't fixed, but he feels better. Went to best female friend's house for a little TLC, plus mom's TLC, so he'll survive.
I gotta say though . . . these kids are brutal these days. I guess part of it is technology . . . they all have phones and tablets, so they have what we always called "phone balls" when they are sending messages. By phone balls, I mean, people that have balls on the phone, but when you confront them in person, they back the fuck down. I guarantee you that if we had texting and my friends said the things to me that these little fuckers say, I or they would not have made it through the teen years, because we'd either be dead or in jail. It's some serious bullying going on. That pisses me off.
I gave the Boy the option . . . I was ready to burn bridges with this little mother fuckers and their dumbass parents. He asked me not to for now . . . and of course, now one of them has come around. I told him though that I will be saying something to the boys because I'm not going to deal with their damn drama.
Ok, rant over. I don't even know if I made any sense here, but had to get it off my chest.
Until next time, much peace and love . . . I truly mean that.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Spring Break and Momma's Spidey Senses
I started thinking about how I spent Spring Breaks in high school. It was the same thing every year, run around doing whatever I wanted with whomever I wanted, and often times, I ended up at a boyfriend's house making out all day. No gutter minds here . . . my idea of making out was lots and lots of kissing, very little groping, and no sex . . . at least not until much later. So, thinking about all this is what got the spidey senses going. Y'all know my kid is just like me.
Sure enough, I get a text from him, "I'm at Cute Boy's House and his address is XXX." Now, every day, I get on the Boy to check in, just a quick text or call as to where he is and with whom. He NEVER does it. I end up calling or texting him with bitchy messages. So, when he out of the blue sends me this text . . . oh, and the boy is not one he hangs with regularly, but one that I have met and know they kinda like each other . . . I start thinking. I was right on point too . . . we had to have a discussion about hickies not being cool.
So . . . I stayed home today. It was pleasant. Kids were in and out, mostly in all day and now apparently in for the night . . . YAY! This listening to the universe thing is definitely working for me.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
One Year Later
I've been thinking about this for a couple of hours now and I cannot for the life of me dredge up anything bad about having gotten divorced. Maybe the "failure" aspect, but I didn't fail alone, and did everything I could to try and save the marriage, so that doesn't count either.
Since I've been divorced or actually since I filed for divorce, I've been a happier person. I've gone back to my roots and I'm still in the process of discovering and rediscovering me and who I am. I like me. In fact, I love me. I've posted about a lot of the crappy stuff that happened before, during, and after the divorce, and I'm away from all the ugliness.
So, a year later, I'm still on the road of self discovery and I'm happy. I hope to remain on that road the rest of my journey in this lifetime. We should never stop discovering and learning what it is that makes us tick, what makes us happy, what makes us mad, what makes us sad. If we do, we stagnate and I did that for 25 years. In fact, it was 25 years of my prime.
Honestly, I can't say that I would change anything, because the time space continuum doesn't work that way. However, if I could still have my beautiful child, fantastic career, and best friends and family ever, I would possibly make a few changes if the time travel arose. But, if I couldn't still have that, I'd still travel the road I did and learn the lessons I learned and be ok with it.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Teaching my Toddler to Drive
I say, I'm teaching my toddler because it seems like yesterday that he was a toddler. This is one of those milestones that got to me.
I sat him down on Sunday to have a talk about driving. I told him that he had to listen, really listen, to everything I had to say to him and that if he did his usual , "ok Mom" or "yeah" or "whatever" or anything else, he would not be driving. I explained how important it is to obey the rules of the road, and that other drivers are not always going to do so. I reminded him that drinking while driving, or under the influence of any drugs, is not acceptable. And finally, I told him that this is one of the most important things he will ever learn to do . . . that essentially, he would be in charge of a very large machine and that if he doesn't do things properly, he could kill himself or others.
And then . . . I promptly burst into tears. OMG! I was shocked. I can always tell when I'm about to cry, so I'm never taken by surprise. Let's just say . . . I was taken by surprise. I couldn't believe it. We had reached one of those times in his life that means significant change. But, I think it just sent that idea home to him that everything I was saying was really important.
So, I took him down the street to an empty parking lot, explained what to do, safety checklists, and how everything works. Then, I let him behind the wheel and he drove around and around that lot. Lots of left hand turns and then lots of right hand turns. Acceleration and then complete stops. He did really well. Next weekend, we'll do more of the same and add in some parking and reverse.
I'm really excited for him to drive and I look forward to not having to haul him around. On the other hand, I'm terrified that something bad will happen to him. All part of being a parent, I know, but that's my toddler behind the wheel.
I'm still remembering this . . . .
Monday, March 31, 2014
Do you remember the Friends episode where Chandler wanted to quit the gym and Ross went along for moral support, then Chandler and Ross both wanted to quit the gym, but were stuck with the monthly auto withdrawals, so they decided to quit the bank, and then ended up with a joint account?
Or maybe, you've had the experience of purchasing something on a credit card and then trying to get a refund. They sure as shit take that payment out of your account immediately, but getting the refund? Ha! It takes 7-10 business days!
So, unsubscribing is kinda like these two situations. Most of the emails are done, but several took a few days to stop sending me anything. They even said that it could be 7-10 business days to stop receiving them, because they were already "in the queue." Ha! I kept unsubscribing on every email, even though I had already done so on the same companies. I think they got the point.
On some though, I actually had to log in to accounts. Mind you, these are accounts I didn't set up. I didn't have usernames and passwords, so in order to stop the emails, I would have to create user names and passwords. WTF?! Um . . . NO! So, for those, I just designated as SPAM. Buh bye.
Funny thing though . . . now that I've cleaned up the email solicitations, I kinda miss all the email. Oh well . . . there's always blogs I can subscribe to. LOL!
Until next time, much peace and love.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Ungrateful Children
What really irritates me though, when he says there is nothing to eat, or if he complains that we don't have money to do things, or whatever, is that I feel extremely guilty. We all want to provide our kids with everything they want and need. It doesn't always work out, but he has a roof over his head, food in his belly, clothes on his back, etc. I shouldn't feel guilty, but I do.
I make really good money, and as you know, until recently was supporting a family of three. One of the three, ESD, wracked up a lot of bills for me to pay. The electric bill, the gas bill, the cable bill, the phone bill, the food bill, the gasoline bill . . . everything was higher when he was in the house and I struggled for years to make ends meet. As I made more and more money, I started chipping away, but it was a never ending struggle. Now that he's gone, things are getting better and I'm digging out of the hole, but it still irritates that hell out of me when my kid is unappreciative. You see, ESD would always complain that we didn't have enough. I felt like I was failing at supporting my family, yet he never contributed a dime. So, when his son says the same thing, I see red.
I have to admit, I snapped a little bit. Because last time he said something like that my feelings were so hurt, I cried for two days. This time, no damn way. We discussed it again today to clarify that he has got to tell me what he wants so that I can budget appropriately and so I know what to buy at the store. I think we got this one now. We'll see.
I was worried that I'm the only one who goes through things like this, but my new friend Menopausal Mother wrote a great blog about the same type of issue the other day. MM is usually funny and upbeat, but every once in awhile, she slips one of those heart wrenching posts in. This was one of those. It hurts when our kids are mean and ungrateful to us, but we'll always love them no matter what. And one day, it will be their turn and they will look back and appreciate all we have done for them. For a great read on the topic, check out Menopausal Mother. You'll love her as much as I do.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
I Need More Time
I need about an additional 10 hours a day to do everything I want to do. If I could do without sleep, I'd be fine. Funny thing though, if I don't get enough sleep, I get even less done. It's a vicious cycle.
Part of not having enough time is that I have a 2-4 hour round trip commute to work every day. That's right, it can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours each way, depending on traffic, weather, and basic stupidity on the part of other drivers. I really don't mind the commute for the most part, but there are days (like today) when I'm just tired and I still have things to do. When my son graduates from high school is the earliest I can move closer to work and even then, I may still choose to commute. I have to weigh the pros and cons, especially with regard to costs. My rent closer to work can run 3x more than where I currently live and for a smaller space. On the flip side, most utilities would be included, I'd save tons on gas and transportation costs, as well as car insurance. So, we'll see. I'll have a kid in college, so it may not work. Not worried about it just yet.
Another part of not having enough time is that I've been spending longer hours at work. I've been doing some project work, as well as helping out a co-worker. He just got a promotion, so I'm helping him clear his backlog for the "old" job so that he can start the "new" job with a clean slate. I also have realized that it takes less time to get home when I stay later. I spend less time in traffic, get home close to normal time, and get more accomplished at work. I get a little burnt though.
Then there are all the things I want to do at home. I have tons to read and just want to read constantly. I also want to watch tv and movies constantly. I also want to write constantly. I also want to scrapbook constantly. I also want to do my social networking constantly. You see my dilemma. I want to do it all and don't have enough time to do it.
I haven't even mentioned the time that I want to spend with the Boy. Hmmm . . . maybe that should have been first. LOL! I would love to spend more time with him, but he's a teenager and does his own thing most of the time. Whenever he has time for me, I make time for him.
Anyway, if anyone has a solution to adding more hours to the day, without loss of sleep, I would love to hear it.
Until next time, much peace and love.