

Monday, June 23, 2014

Cialis Commercials Make Me Sad

I hate the Cialis commercials.  They show these couples who are supposed to be so in love with each other, that even in their "old" age, they want to get it on.  The men in these commercials look at the women as if they are totally in love and lost in the woman, like the woman is their everything.  And the women look at the men in the same way.  Ugh, gag me.

Ok, so not really gag me.  It makes me sad, because that description is what everyone truly wants and I don't think a lot of people find it.  I know that I want someone to look at me like that and I know that my ex never did.  And at this point, I've become a bit jaded and cynical and don't know if it will ever happen.  For those of you that have that special something, hang on to it any way that you can.  I envy you, but am joyful for you at the same time.

So, Cialis commercials make me sad.  IJS . . . .

Until next time, much peace and love.

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