

Monday, May 12, 2014

Back At It

It’s been a month since I really went after my goals or even tried to go after them.  It started with my birthday, which was also Easter weekend, and it’s now ending with Mother’s Day.  Apparently, I have problems with holidays.  I don’t usually like to celebrate holidays, mainly because for so many years, ESD made the holidays unbearable for me.  Now that I’m on my own, I have to figure out how to handle the holidays. So far, I haven’t handled them well.  I go off track, don’t exercise, and eat a lot.  Then I get irritated when I don’t feel well, my sugar is out of whack, and I don’t lose weight.

So, today, it all changes.  I’m back on track.  I’m reaffirming my goals that I already set and started achieving.  So here goes.
1.       Blogging 3-5 days a week
2.       Read 5+ books per month
3.       Walk 5-7 days or 10-15 miles per week
4.       Do arm work out 3x per week
5.       Eat properly—lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains, grilled chicken and fish, lots of water
6.       Positive and spiritual affirmations daily

This may sound like a lot, but I was already doing all of this regularly up until April 19th.  So, back at it and positive attitude.  I was feeling really good and I’m actually starting to feel that good again.  My mind is clearer than it has been in a long time.  Sleep eludes me, but I’m more productive than I have been, so something is right.

Until next time, much peace and love.

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