
Friday, June 27, 2014
Family Fun
They all know about the incident with the stupid uncle last week and they all agree that he is an ass. We are all getting together tomorrow too and we will have a blast at the wedding, as well.
I also learned that the cousin's fiancée is pregnant, so we have another cousin coming in December! YAY!
Anyway--love seeing my family . . . at least the fun, cool ones. LOL!
Until next time, much peace and love.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Distracted Drving
I broke my own damn rule on this road trip. I was sitting in a very long line of traffic and not moving, so I started making my motel reservation. No big deal since I wasn't moving. The problem came when the line began to move a little bit. In the blink of an eye, I ran into not one but two big orange barrel thingies. Luckily, I wasn't going fast and just scraped by. But . . . it served a very important lesson to both me and the Boy.
My front fender is somewhat scraped up, but will probably buff out fairly easily. It pisses me off though that I have to even buff it though. I didn't have to make that reservation right then and there. It could have waited or the Boy could have finished putting in the information for me . . . as he did anyway.
I have to think that this was a big warning to me to pay attention and drive right, setting a good example for the kid. I've been doing so for awhile, but I slipped up and did the texting while driving thing. It was super scary and I won't do it again. The Boy says, "Did we learn our lesson?" Hell yeah we did. So hopefully, you will learn from my lesson so you don't have to experience it yourself.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Cialis Commercials Make Me Sad
Essential Oils Part 2
Ok, so I've tried some of the essential oils and I have to say, I'm loving them. I'm still skeptical about all the hubbub surrounding them, but for the ones I've tried personally, all is good.
The ones I've tried that are doing what they need to do are . . .
lavender--calming and soothing--I sleep much better
peppermint--refreshing and rejuvenating--so far, yes and I'm going to try this on the long drives on vacation
lemon--again refreshing and rejuvenating, also great for cleaning and getting rid of icky smells
eucalyptus--with the lavender is great in my bath
cinnamon--great in my coffee and other foods, lowers blood sugar
You know I pre-wrote most of this, so I have to add my experience today. I'm traveling. ..long road trip. Usually, I have problems in the afternoon because I start dozing off. Today, i kept drinking my peppermint water and put some peppermint on my shirt. It kept me awake and alert without the hyperness of sugar and caffeine. Then when we got to our motel, I sprinkled some lemon around to freshen up the place. I'm hooked.
There are more that I want to try and we'll see how they go. I can't wait.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Nurse Rachett
My company is giving us an opportunity to save $50 per month on our health insurance. Since our out of paycheck costs went up $125, I'm all for it. All you have to do is (1) log your daily steps on our wellness program site, (2) do a biometric screening with an RN (who they brought in house), and (3) do a health assessment on the insurance website. All easy peasy . . . until . . . Nurse Rachett.
So, I go to do my bio screening and this witch of a nurse, has no personality, doesn't smile, doesn't acknowledge anything, just all business. Ok, I can handle that. Then when the results pop up, she starts lecturing me on what I'm doing wrong and what I should be doing. Nevermind that she doesn't have my full health assessment, isn't a physician, and doesn't know what I actually do or don't do, where I've been and how far I've come. She just says do this and suck it, basically.
She pissed me off. And then I realized . . . don't let anyone piss on my parade. I know how far I've come and how far I have to go. I am going to continue on my own path.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Monday, June 16, 2014
"Christian" Giving
Friday, June 13, 2014
Father's Day Rant
This brings me to my rant . . . I was going to say something on Mother's Day, but I let it go. People . . . Mother's Day is for MOTHERS and Father's Day is for FATHERS. Don't nobody care if you're doing "double duty" . . . you ONLY GET ONE DAY! Don't rain on the parade of the other. (And this is coming from a single mom who does double duty because "dad" is too damn childish and selfish to do his job.)
On Mother's Day, I kept seeing these posts of "happy mother's day to all you moms out there and you dads doing double duty." Now for Father's Day, I'm seeing (1) "happy father's day to all you dads out there and you moms doing double duty" and (2) "why don't dads get the same props as moms?"
To answer number one . . . all dads who do their job or even attempt to do their job deserve the Father's Day props, same for moms on Mother's Day. I add attempt because there are a lot of situations where the other party "blocks" the mom or dad from doing their job.
To answer number two . . .you dumbasses who are asking this are the ones not doing your damn job and you don't get the cookie for not doing your damn job! Saying Happy Mother's Day or Happy Father's Day is a way of acknowledging those WHO DO THEIR DAMN JOB every day, day in and day out, who don't expect anything in return. They just love and take care of their kids. That's the bottom line.
So for you dads, who do your job . . . Happy Father's Day . . . enjoy YOUR day!
Until next time, much peace and love.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Writing Prompts
The interesting part is that, while I have no problem putting my personal business out here, exposing the creative writing side is really scary. I know that I'm a good writer--I've been told for years I should try to publish, but I'm not consistent. I hate to re-write and edit . . . I write my stuff in my head and then spew it out on paper or in this case, blog. By the time it comes out, it's been re-written and edited several times . . . in my head.
I may still do the writing prompts . . . still thinking about it. Maybe that should be a separate blog? That's an idea right there. One of my favorite bloggers does separate blogs for separate topics. So maybe I continue this blog for what it is . . . day-to-day life and fun and rants and create a separate blog for writing and creating. Something to think about.
Until next time, much peace and love.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Appliance Fail
Monday, June 9, 2014
Summer is Officially Here
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Over Organized?
My weekend plans are to clean out and reorganize my closet, set up new, emergency "go" bags for both cars, the house, and work, and start the packing process for my vacation. Yes, my vacation is still almost three weeks away, but I'll re-pack 10 times before I'm happy.
Since everything else is pissing me off these days . . . can you say mood swings? . . . I'm going to my happy place of organization.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Over Eating
The next day, I felt like shit. Again, the hungover feeling and major heartburn. Lesson learned.
Several days later, feeling much better, but no urge for crappy food. Maybe this last binge was good in a way?
Until next time, much peace and love.