

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Single Moms Club

I saw this movie the other day and of course, needed tissue for my leaking eyeballs. I related to a couple of the characters.  It was fantastic. Great movie. Powerful message.  We all need help.  It's ok to depend on others, including men.

Today, I needed that message.  I had some ups and downs and people were trying to steal my joy.  But I kept getting positive messages from the universe and had to listen. Then there is one person who keeps being really nice to me, saying nice things, and is genuine. 

So, while it was kind of a rough day, it's turned out pretty good in the end.  When dumbass people try to steal your joy, just remember the message that it's ok to depend on others to get you back on track.  Don't let the naysayers bring you down and stay positive.

Until next time, much peace and love.

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